1.Explain about Accounts Payable.
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur supplier about the price at which you will purchase the items from the supplier in future. Here you enter the price of the item not the quantity of the items. When you create the release you enter the quantity of the items. The price is not updatable in the release. The quantity * price makes the Released Amount. Now suppose your contract with your supplier is such that you can only purchase the items worth a fixed amount against the contract.
13) Payment Method:
A funds disbursement payment method is a medium by which the first party payer, or deploying company, makes a payment to a third party payee, such as a supplier. You can use a payment method to pay one or more suppliers. Oracle Payments supports several payment methods for funds disbursement, including the following:
· Check
· Electronic
· wire
· Clearing
You can pay with a manual payment, a Quick payment, or in a payment batch.
Electronic An electronic funds transfer to the bank of a supplier.You create electronic payments either through the e- Commerce Gateway, or by delivering a payment batch file to your bank. For both methods, Payables creates a file during payment batch creation. If you are using the e-Commerce Gateway to create the file of payments, an EDI translator is required to create the EDI Formatted file prior to delivering it to your bank.For electronic funds transfers, the file is formatted and delivered to your ap.out directory for delivery to your bank.
Wire Funds transfer initiated be contacting the bank and requesting wire payment to the bank of a suplier.A payment method where you pay invoices outside of Payables by notifying your bank that you want to debit your account and credit your supplier’s account with appropriate funds. You provide your bank with your supplier’s bank information, and your bank sends you confirmation of your transaction. Your supplier’s bank sends your supplier confirmation of the payment. You then record the transaction manually.
Clearing Payment for invoices transferred from another entity within the company without creating a payment document.Payment method you use to account for intercompany expenses when you do not actually disburse funds through banks. You do not generate a payment document with the Clearing payment method. When you enter the invoice, you enter Clearing for the payment method.You can record a Clearing payment using a Manual type payment only.
14).What id recurring invoices? What are AP setup steps?
Ans) some times suppliers would not be sending any invoices. but still the payment have to made to home: rent, lease rentals. in this situation we have to create invoice every period wise. For that purpose we have to create one recurringinvoice template. Template means with one master copy creating the multiple invoices is called template. Here we are creating the one invoice master copy is formally known as recurring invoice or recurring invoice template.
1)we have to create one special calendar
2)we have to create one full distribution set
3)we have to enter payment terms in the recurring invoice window
4)enter the template no, first invoice amount, special invoice amounts
15): What is the process/steps for Vendor Conversion?
A: Insert the Vendor info into the interface tables and perform the required validations:
Run the below programs to load the data into the Base tables:
Supplier Open Interface Import
Supplier Sites Open Interface Import
Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import
16): What is Debit Memo & Credit Memo in Payables?
A: Credit Memo is a negative amount invoice you receive from a supplier representing a credit.
Debit Memo is a negative amount invoice you send to notify a supplier of a credit you recorded for
goods or services purchased.
17): Explain the set up used for Automatic or Manual Supplier Numbering.
A: In the Financials Options window, you can set the Supplier Number entry option to either Autimoatic or Manual
• Automatic: The system automatically assigns a unique sequential number to each supplier when you enter
a new supplier.
• Manual: You enter the supplier number when you enter a supplier
18): What is Contract PO?
A: Contract PO is created when you agree with your suppliers on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing.
19) What is a Payable Document?
A: A medium you use to instruct your bank to disburse funds from your bank account to the bank account or site location of a supplier.
20) In which table we can find the vendor number?
21) Give the cycle from creating an invoice to transferring it to GL in AP.
A: 1)Create Invoice 2)Validate Invoice 3)Create Accounting entries using Payables Accounting Process
4)Submit the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program to send invoice and payment accounting entries to the General Ledger interface. 4)Journal Import (GL) 5)Journal Post (GL)
22) What are the different types of Invoices in Payables?
A: Standard, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Expense Report,PrePayment, Mixed, PO Default
23) You have created a new SOB. How will you attach this SOB to AP?
A: Go to Payables Manager for the appropriate Operating Unit.
Navigation:Setup--->Set of Books--->choose.
24) How many key flexfields are there in Payables?
A: No Key Flexfields in AP
25)What is the Distribution Type while entering the Invoice?
A: Item, Tax, Miscellaneous,Freight, Withholding Tax
26) What are the Prepayment types?
A: Temporary and Permanent
27) What is Aging Periods?
A: Aging Periods window are the time periods for the Invoice Aging Report. The Invoice Aging Report provides information about invoice payments due during four periods you specify.
28) Whats the difference between the "Payables Open Interface Import" Program and the "Payables Invoice Import" program?
A: Payables Open Interface -- for importing regular invoices Payables Invoice Import -- for importing expense reports. In 11i renamed as Expense Report Import.
29): What is prepayment & steps to apply it to an Invoice?
A: Prepayment is a type pf invoice that you enter to make an advance
payment to a supplier or employee.
To Apply it to an Invoice ,in the Invoices window, query either the prepayment or the invoice to which you want to apply it. Choose the Actions button and select the Apply/Unapply Prepayment check box. Click OK.
30) Can you hold the partial payment if yes then how?
A: Yes.
1.Go to the Invoice window. Go to the scheduled payments tab.
2.Click "Split" to split the scheduled payment into as many
payments as you wish.
3.Check "Hold" against the Payment line you wish to hold.
31) How you will transfer payables to general ledger?
A: Create Accounting. Transfer the transactions to GL_Interface Import the Journals Post the Journals
32) What program is used to transfer AP transactions to GL?
A: Payables Transfer to General Ledger Program
33) What is use of AP Accounting Periods?
A: In Payables accounting periods have to be defined to enter and account for transactions in these open periods. Payables does not allow transaction processing in a period that has never been opened. These periods are restricted to Payables only. The period statuses available in Payables are Never Opened, Future,Open, Closed, and Permanently Closed.
34) What are the different interface programs in AP?
A: Payables Open Interface Import to load Invoices and other transactions.
Supplier Open Interface Import to load Suppliers.
Supplier Sites Open Interface Import to load Supplier sites.
Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import to load Supplier Site contacts.
35)What is Invoice Tolerance?
A: We can define the matching and tax tolerances i.e how much to allow for variances between invoice, purchase order, receipt, and tax information during matching. You can define both percentage–based and amount–based tolerances.
36) What will accrue in Payables?
A: Expenses and Liabilities
37) What is a Hold? Explain the types of Hold.
A: Payables lets you apply holds manually on an invoice, Payments etc to prevent the payment from being made or to prevent the accounting entries to be created etc. Some of the Payable holds are -- Invoice Hold, Accounts Hold, Funds Hold, Matching Hold, Variance Hold, Misc hold.
38) Which module is the owner of Vendor/Supplier tables?
A: Purchasing
39) What is Payment Terms?
A: Payment Terms let you define the due date or the discount date , due amount or discount amount. Once the payment terms are defined, you can attach these to the suppliers and supplier sites and these terms will be automatically populated once the invoice is entered for a supplier site.
40) In AP the suppliers didn’t visible in India Creditors Ledger Report Parameter?
A: pls check whether that particular supplier is available in Suppliers addition inforamtion or not.